Our Licensed Acupuncturist, Satori Poch is currently trained in the Mei Zen system of facial rejuvenation and AcuMicro system of Microneedling and Nanoneedling. In Chinese "mei zen (ren)" means "beautiful person." Unlike other systems, Mei Zen and Microneedling will help you look and feel years younger. It is a complete system that targets the face but also includes points on the body to help promote healing and strengthen your body's defenses.
Look as young as you feel and do it in a way that is non-evasive, natural, without toxins and chemicals and without the negative side-effects. What cosmetic results can I expect? With Cosmetic Acupuncture, most patients should expect to see: - A reduction in fine lines - A "leveling" of deeper lines. Deeper lines will never fully disappear but they can "fill up" and look much softer, less harsh. - The beginning of jowls can be minimized - Improvement in acne or rosacea - Skin gets softer and more vibrant - Cheeks get smoother - Overall skin tone becomes more even - Age spots fade - Wrinkles on the de'colletage can fade
What other health results have been noticed? - Decreased hot flashes or night sweats - Mild depression resolved - Eyes look brighter - Mild anxiety resolved - Headaches went away - Patients reported having more energy - Digestion improves
Am I a good candidate for facial rejuvenation? If any of the following do not apply to you, then you may be a good candidate for facial rejuvenation: - Frequent migraines - Any seizure disorder - Uncontrolled hypertension - If taking any blood thinners - Pregnant - Smoker - Extreme sun damage
How many treatments will I need? To obtain optimal results for the Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture, a total of 10 treatments is recommended. Patients should come in for treatments twice a week for five weeks. With Microneedling or Nanoneedling, treatments are performed once every 4 weeks. The typical course of treatment involves 4-6 treatments. Results may vary depending on severity of symptoms, diet, and lifestyle.
Afterward, patients can come in once a month for maintenance, depending on individual results.
Please schedule an appointment for a free 15-minute consultation to find out if facial rejuvenation can work for you. You can reach us at (804) 528-5369.