Soliman Auricular Acupuncture Treatment (SAAT) for Allergies
Comfort Acupuncture and Wellness now offering SAAT treatments in the greater Richmond area. Satori is Certified in performing SAAT treatments for environmental and food allergies by Dr. Nader Soliman.
Soliman Auricular Allergy Treatment (SAAT) is a powerful technique that provides the longest relief from allergy symptoms compared to other common treatments. It is a specialized yet simple acupuncture treatment where one needle placed in the ear can drastically reduce allergy symptoms by 80-95%. The treatment addresses allergies or sensitivities to:
Food: gluten/wheat, soy, dairy, corn, eggs, sugar, meat (alpha-gal), nuts, fruits, vegetables, shellfish, preservatives, and more.
Environmental: animal dander, dust, molds, chemicals, pollens, trees, grasses, weeds, and more.
How Does SAAT Work?
SAAT is a single procedure that often clears or significantly reduces a very specific health concern related to food or environmental allergies. Allergic responses develop when there is severe inflammation in the body that creates an overly sensitive immune system that begins to malfunction. SAAT reprograms the immune system by stopping or reducing the hypersensitivity to specific allergens. As a result, many people notice an elimination or reduction in symptoms such as runny nose, congestion, skin reactions, coughing, fatigue, hives, itching, etc.
Step 1 of SAAT at Comfort Acupuncture: Identifying the Allergen If you have identified your particular allergen through allergy testing or process of elimination, we can confirm that allergy through our bio-energetic muscle testing and use of homeopathic vials. If you are unsure of a specific allergy, we can work together to identify the allergen that you are reacting to.
Step 2 of SAAT at Comfort Acupuncture: Auricular Allergy Acupuncture Once the allergen and reactive point in the ear are confirmed, the treatment needle is placed in the ear. ONE tiny needle is placed for a specific allergy with up to 3 different allergens being treated at one time. The needle is 3 mm long and about the size of your eye lash. There is no discomfort from the needle. Patients are able to resume their normal activities without any disruptions. The needle is then covered with medical adhesive tape and worn for 3 weeks while the patient limits the exposure to the allergens being treated. The treated ear must be kept fairly dry for the entire 3-week treatment period.
Step 3 of SAAT at Comfort Acupuncture: Removal of SAAT Needle After a minimum of 3 weeks of needle retention, patient will return to the office for removal of the needle(s) and medical adhesive. Patient will then repeat muscle-testing.
SAAT Results The SAAT technique appears to be superior in the treatment of allergies, eliminating allergies regardless of their origin by 80-95%. The benefits of this method include simplicity of the treatment, the minimum duration of treatment, lack of side effects or complications, lack of medication needed and no repeated visits to medical practitioners. Since SAAT’s recent introduction, thousands of individuals have been successfully treated and continue to be free of allergies despite repeated exposure to their previous confirmed allergies.
Nader Soliman, M.D developed the SAAT protocol and notes that in over 10 years of practicing this method, there has been no reoccurrence of the same allergy reported except during hormonal shifts such as puberty, pregnancy, menopause, etc. After being treated, if symptoms are still present it is most likely due to another unidentified allergy that can often be associated with the first allergy.
It is extremely important to keep in mind that the success of your treatment depends on identifying all the food, environmental or other allergies you may have. Results of treatment are individually specific and can take time depending on the depth of allergies you have.