The practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine, also known as Oriental Medicine, dates back more than 3,000 years. It is a time-tested system of medicine in Asia and is now rapidly being recognized in the United States.
Acupuncture Acupuncture is the insertion of very fine, sterile, disposable needles into specific points on the body along energy pathways (meridians) to balance the flow of energy (qi). At our acupuncture and wellness clinic, we use ultra-fine needles to ensure a comfortable and nurturing experience. Acupuncture needles are NOT like hypodermic needles and feel nothing like a shot or injection. The treatment is virtually painless, upon needle insertion there may be a sensation of slight tingling, heaviness, dullness, or warmth in different areas of the body. This indicates the qi was activated, and is a positive sign of qi movement through the meridians.
Acupuncture can be used for symptom relief as well as working with the body to strengthen and balance the body’s energy. It improves circulation and allows the body to heal itself more quickly and completely. Those who receive acupuncture often not only heal physically, but experience new and profound states of peace, clarity, and harmony through treatment which often has lasting impact.
Auricular Acupuncture Also known as Ear Acupuncture. The external ear contains many acupuncture points corresponding to almost every part of the body. Similar to hand or foot reflexology, many conditions, symptoms and diseases can be treated wholly through auricular acupuncture. In auricular acupuncture, the acupuncturist inserts short needles into the external portion of the ear. Sometimes small seeds are applied to the ear acupuncture point to superficially stimulate the area indicated. Conditions which can benefit from auricular acupuncture include smoking cessation, drug detoxification, weight loss, hypertension and acute pain.
Moxibustion A moxa stick is a tightly rolled stick of the herb Mugwort, (Folium Artemisiae Argyi) or known as Ai Ye in Chinese. It is burned and held near the acupuncture points. Moxa is used to warm and penetrate the meridians and acupuncture points and enhance the effect of acupuncture treatment. Moxibustion is safe and effective. Moxibustion can be helpful in treating conditions such as internal cold, chronic pain and irregular menstruation. It can also be used on pregnant women to assist with breech pregnancies.
Cupping This technique is said by the ancients to suck out the evil qi. A vacuum is created within the cup by a fire source and placed on the body. Round clean glass cups created specifically for this purpose are used. This technique can sometimes leave marks on the body as the capillaries near the surface are affected. These disappear within two or three days. This procedure is useful for moving the qi and blood in the body and is used in many conditions where the qi or blood are stagnant (pain), or if the body is under exterior attack.
Electro-Acupuncture This is mild electrical stimulation of the acupuncture points by connecting very low levels of electricity to the needles, which are used as a transmitter or conductor. Electrical stimulation through the needles opens energy conducting pathways throughout the body. It is very safe, effective, and comfortable treatment for many conditions, especially for chronic and intractable pain conditions and post-stroke recovery.
Herbal Therapy Chinese and Western herbs and herbal formulas are composed of plants, animals and minerals and are used to reestablish balance to a body's system. Herbs are used by the body to affect the flow of qi and blood, restoring the balance of yin and yang in the body. They can be used to strengthen the body, increase immunity, fight viral infections, decrease excessive conditions, and much more.
Herbs are available in various forms including pills, powdered granules, or raw single herbs. Herbs and herbal formulas are prescribed specifically for each particular persons needs, individual constitution and condition. Chinese medicinal herbs are easy and safe to use with virtually no side effects.
SAAT Soliman Auricular Acupuncture Treatment for Allergy SAAT is a single procedure that often clears or significantly reduces a very specific health concern related to food or environmental allergies. Allergic responses develop when there is severe inflammation in the body that creates an overly sensitive immune system that begins to malfunction. SAAT reprograms the immune system by stopping or reducing the hypersensitivity to specific allergens. As a result, many people notice an elimination or reduction in symptoms such as runny nose, congestion, skin reactions, coughing, fatigue, hives, itching, etc.
Our office is located at Henrico Doctor's Parham - MOB I - 7660 E. Parham Rd. Suite 104-A Richmond, VA 23294 Please call (804) 528-5369 for questions or to schedule an appointment.