My "Unexplained Infertility"I have practiced acupuncture and Chinese Medicine for almost a decade. My husband and I ate minimally processed, organic fruits and vegetables and good sources of protein. We walked our dog twice a day everyday and we did not have any health issues. When my husband and I decided we were ready to start a family we never imagined that we would run into so much difficulties. My gynecologist told me it's normal for couples our age to take up to two years to conceive. However, I was adamant that I needed to know what was going on. We underwent the bloodwork and my FSH was normal, my estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels were all normal. My husband did a sperm analysis and his levels were above average. We were diagnosed with "unexplained infertility" and told to keep trying.
I was frustrated. Each month we waited anxiously thinking it will work but when my period came, I cried, alone. I felt discouraged, disappointed and depressed. It was at my lowest, when my mom spoke to me and told me "you have helped so many people in a similar situation as you, why don't you finally help yourself." I diagnosed myself and prescribed my husband and I custom herbal formulas and two months later, we conceived. I knew I wasn't in the clear yet. I was terrified that somehow I would miscarry, so I continued my herbal formulas through the first trimester. Nine months later, I delivered my son, Daniel. He is my little miracle and he is my inspiration that keeps me going everyday. I was blessed with Daniel and I know Chinese Medicine helped make my mind and body strong enough to be accepting of such a miracle. |
My Training |
I graduated from American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in San Francisco, California. While in San Francisco, I worked with my mentor, Dr. Lifang Liang, a premier fertility specialist trained in Obstetrics and Gynecology in Guangzhou, China. She is the author of Acupuncture and IVF. In order to further my studies and experience, I completed an Advanced Degree in Zhejiang Medical University specializing in Women's Health, gynecology and infertility. In addition, I have completed over 200 credit hours in various infertility and women's health courses over the last decade.
Treatments |
Treating infertility is a very specialized field. Satori takes the time to customize each treatment to cater to each individual. You will notice that she varies her acupuncture and herbal formulas based on what phase of the cycle the woman is in. Also, she has worked extensively with women going through various types of ART treatments including but not limited to IUI and IVF. Lastly, if you are someone suffering with recurring miscarriages she is able to help you through your first trimester also.