We are excited to curate pre-packaged Chinese Herbal packets to cook with bonebroth!
Chinese Medicinal BoneBroth Packets From a TCM Perspective some of the key benefits of bonebroth include boosting a person's qi, blood, yin and even essence. Blood and yin are especially noteworthy here because these two aspects of a person typically get depleted with chronic conditions as well as through the normal aging process.
The importance of building qi, blood, and essence is why we recommend medicinal bonebroth for those who are dealing with anything that is especially taxing to the body such as chemotherapy, overworking, overthinking, lack of sleep, and stressful lifestyles. It is also great for people who tend towards catching colds often.
Herbal Bone Broth Packet - Immuni-Qi Ingredients: Organic Ganoderma Lycidum - Reishi (Ling Zhi) - Helps support vitality, longevity and immune system response. Organic Red Dates - (Da Zao) - Strengthens the spleen, nourishes the blood and calms the spirit Organic Radix Astragali (Huang Qi) - Strengthens the energy, improves the immune system Organic Radix Codonopsis (Dang Shen) - Strengthens the immune system, nourishes the blood and improves digestion Polygonati Odorati Rhizoma (Yu Zhu) - Improves the immune system, nourishes fluids and yin Organic Fructus Lycii (Gou Qi Zi) - Nourishes the blood and essence, improves vision and aids the immune system Organic Aurillus Longan (Long Yan Rou) - Nourishes the blood and calms the mind.
Why is bonebroth so nutritious? The vitamins, minerals, and collagen that one gets from bonebroth have so many nourishing benefits for the human body. This does not even include the benefits derived from the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) point of view. Here's a short list of the therapeutic benefits of regularly sipping on nourishing broth:
* Speed recovery time from injury. It's the amino acids in the broth that help speed recovery and the proteins that help with inflammation. * Improved sleep. Another important part of recovery and a person's general health is sleep. Bonebroth has glycine, an inhibitory neurotransmitter, which helps a person relax and can improve your quality of sleep thus helping a person to feel less tired. * Regular intake of bonebroth can also help heal a person's gut. It's the gelatin from the bonebroth that elicits this response. * Bonebroth can also help you look younger and increase the health of your hair, nails, and skin from the collagen extracted via the long cooking method. * In addition, people with joint pain and other similar issues report positive benefits from regular bonebroth. Bonebroth has anti-inflammatory and lubricating properties.